Summer Donations at Common Goods

Summer time is upon us which means two things at Common Goods: Garage sale season and increased donations. Because of this, I have a couple of questions to ask you: Do you have great items just sitting around that you no longer have any use for? Have you recently had a garage sale or plan on having... Continue Reading →

She is Clothed with Strength and Dignity…

Defeated...worn out...confused. These are some of the words that Cindy used to describe herself and her situation when I first met her. Cindy is a young mom with three small children: Luke, Isabelle, and Nicholas. When she first started working with me, she and her children were homeless and living in a shelter. Cindy was a... Continue Reading →

The Fall Season at Common Goods

Last week was the official start of fall. To most of us that means purging closets, rotating seasonal attire and trying to prepare for what Mother Nature is about to bring us in the upcoming months (don't worry, I won't talk about that white fluffy stuff just yet). For those of us at Common Goods, it brings... Continue Reading →

Something for Everyone

Ever wonder where you could buy a nearly-life-sized Orangutan Puppet? What about a Snowman Pinata? A bench made from a sleigh bed?  A purse made from an old children's book? A telescope? If you haven't guessed it yet, it's Common Goods! That's right--all of these things have been for sale at Common Goods at some... Continue Reading →

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